I want to begin by thanking those of you who were so sweet and caring and left a message for me to continue posting my ideas. From the bottom of my heart, thank you! I want you to know that those comments are gems to any blogger who writes and provides helps in cooking, church related items, scrappy items, etc. It takes time to create, shoot the photos, upload, and then write the blogged item. We all love "warm fuzzies," so why not give someone one? It doesn't cost you anything, right? It'll give a little love to someone you don't even know! Your comment may turn a bad day into a bright one!
As a convert, I watched conference for years before I even considered joining the church! I always found it so inspiring. I look forward to each one so much.
We have been asked to find something from Conference that personally touched us during Conference. I love President Monson and hang on his every word. I chose his closing talk in which he said,
"...My counsel for all of us is to look to the lighthouse of the Lord. There is no fog so dense, no night so dark, no gale so strong, no mariner so lost but what its beacon light can rescue. It beckons through the storms of life. The lighthouse of the Lord sends forth signals readily recognized and never failing." Isn't that a powerful statement?
Here is the link for all the talks given:
http://www.lds.org/conference/sessions/display/0,5239,23-1-1207,00.htmlNow, what I am going to share is NOT DIFFICULT! It took no time at all to make the craft item. The things that took the time were covering of the box and making the cards exactly layered the way I like them to be. You can make them as simple or elaborate as you wish. I love layering. The purse front and back were done in a snap! I bet you could even stick a sack in between the two purses if you wanted. I had my darling husband cut a USPS small, assembled priority box in half. It was perfect. I'll place the note cards in the box.

How to make this purse:
1. Find a round pot lid, move the bottom of the lid off the paper about two inches or so (to create the straight edge), and trace the remaining portion of the lid on the back of your paper. I chose double sided paper. Cut out.
2. Stack the front and back together. Cut an oval shape for the handle area.
3. Decorate the front however you wish. A ribbon and flower would be perfect! I did make the back match the front of mine, but without the flower.
4. If using a box, cover it or paint it. Attach to back first using adhesive. Now attach the embellished front. If using a sack, attach it as you would the box. Then, stick a rectangle, cut to fit the bottom of the sack, from a stiff cardboard. That'll help keep the bag's opened shape.
You're done!
Next, I made six note cards for each gal. Since I loved President Monson's lighthouse comment, I went with that as the theme for my note cards.

For the note cards, I chose to use Bazzil cardstock in a bright white and navy blue. Inside the card, I added President Monson's quote and attached it to the
TOP of the card leaving the bottom half empty so that a personal message could be written. Each sister will have six note cards.
The lighthouse image came from the Ensign, Feb. 2001, p.3. You can find it here:
http://www.lds.org/gospellibrary/pdfmagazine/0,7779,592-6-1-2001,00.htmlI did crop it and made rectangular and oval versions. Here are the images for you to drag to your desktop, if you wish. If you would like a larger version of either one, let me know and I'll send it to you via e-mail. There is a particular maximum width allowed by blogger, and these images are both as wide as blogger allows.
Here is the message which I attached to the inside top half of the card. I did print it on white cardstock. Click on thumbnail to see a larger image. If you wish, let me know and I'll send you a copy via e-mail.

I did find this image, wrote to the person who had the blog, but never got an answer. That is what held me up from posting on April 30th. Today, I found the image on a free site. So, I guess it's all right to share. Whenever I look at this image, I get the chills. It is so beautiful! What do you think?

I hope this month finds you well, happy, and enjoying Spring. Thank you so very much for stopping by and checking out my VT info. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!